Themenschwerpunkt: Gender und Queer* Studies
Sprache/n: Englisch, Deutsch
Stadt: Freiburg
Land: Australien
Themen: gender diversity, queer, diversity management, career development, transgender
Ich biete: Vortrag, Seminarleitung, Beratung
Ich bin nicht bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.
Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.
Doctor of Philosophy University of Canberra
Exchange Year Non-Award Student Exchange - Australian National University Canberra
Master Study Gender Studies - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Bachelor Study Social Work – HS Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Science
Bachelor-thesis: ‘The men, who always can, and the woman, who always want.’ - Construction of gender and sexuality because of Heterosexual Internet Pornography -
Registered nurse – Hospital Ev. Diakonissenkrankenhaus
Voluntary internship ‘Afrika macht Schule e.V.’ intercultural school project Teacher for children and adults
Seminar/Teaching Gender(construction) in audio-visual Media Universität Freiburg Gender Studies
Tutorial Teaching German Advanced Course, Conversation hours Australian National University Canberra
Social work internship with focus on intervention: Socio-therapeutic residence Balance Resident for people with chronically mental disorder Counselling and pedagogical group work
Social work internship with focus on Organization and Management: Tierra – Eine Welt e.V.
Planning, organization, accomplishment and evaluation of a summer camp for pupil (intercultural topic)
Equal Opportunities Office of the medical school University Clinic Freiburg
Certification for the work at the student council Membership for two years and student of honor Department direction of public relations Assistant for financial department
Gender Training Certified as Gender Trainer
Volunteer work: FLUSS e.V. - Association/educational project about Gender identity and sexual diversity
Youth work and adult education, Assistant at the method group
Volunteer assisting: Regenbogen Referat Uni Freiburg Queer* autonomous unit
Public relation, organization, networking