Themenschwerpunkt: Type Design, Typografie, Code
Twittername: @LiebeFonts
Webseiten/Blogs: , ,
Sprache/n: Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Stadt: Berlin
Land: Deutschland
Themen: women in tech, code, schrift, fonts, type design, opentype features, typography, color fonts, font tech
Ich biete: Vortrag, Seminarleitung, Beratung, Training
Ich bin bereit, für eine Veranstaltung zu reisen.
Ich bin bereit, für gemeinnützige Zwecke kostenfrei zu sprechen.
Ulrike Rausch ist Schriftgestalterin in Berlin. In ihrer Type-Foundry LiebeFonts veröffentlicht sie seit zehn Jahren ihre hochwertigen, handgemachten Schriften. Dabei verbindet Ulrike ihr Faible für Handgeschriebenes mit ihrer Begeisterung für Code und ausgefeilte OpenType-Features.
Die Schriften von LiebeFonts kommen weltweit in Publikationen, Anzeigen und auf Webseiten zum Einsatz.
Zusammen mit der Lettering-Designerin Chris Campe hat sie das Buch Making Fonts! geschrieben, in dem Ulrike ihr Fachwissen zum Thema Type-Design und Font-Produktion weitergibt.
Vorträge / Referenzen:
Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2021:
Creating outstanding typographic designs is not just about choosing the right font. It’s about using all the super powers that font technology offers you today.
In her talk, Ulrike will reveal some playful type experiments that show evidence: type is not just for reading but it’s fun and entertaining, too.
You will learn how to tap the full potential of a font, which will enable you to create stunning designs, leaving your clients with a smile.
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Numerous ligatures and alternative letterforms combined with sofisticated OpenType programming add just the right analog touch to handwriting-style fonts.
Yet, type designer Ulrike Rausch was challenged to find ways to reproduce handwritten messages even more realistically.
With her latest font release LiebeHeide, she demonstrates how color font technology can authentically reproduce the writing of a ballpoint pen–hardly being recognizable as a digital product anymore.
Ulrike held this talk at ATypI conference in October 2020 (
Dieser Vortrag ist auf: Englisch
Adobe MAX 2021:
Color fonts let the magic happen because they display several color layers in a single font file. Join Berlin-based type designer and letter lover Ulrike Rausch as she shares her insights into the possibilities of this still quite new font technology. As Ulrike walks you through her process of creating the color version of the Adobe Filicudi font, you’ll learn that type is not just for reading, but it can be fun and entertaining too.
Creative Mornings Berlin:
With half a dozen examples from the everyday life of visual designers, Ulrike Rausch and Chris Campe show for which purposes a prefabricated font is more suitable and when it makes more sense to do a custom lettering.
Talk at TYPO Berlin, International Design Conference
Ulrike’s talk topic:
Most people expect type designer Ulrike Rausch is sitting down with pen and paper to design her fonts. But actually, getting from the first drawings to a working font is not a purely analog process but rather a pretty geeky software endeavor.
In her talk, Ulrike shows how she designs typefaces and how she builds fonts. Ulrike will also demonstrate how nerdy OpenType programming adds just the right analog touch to her handwriting style.
TYPO Labs conference aims to connect font engineers and practitioners with OS developers, CSS experts and academics.
Ulrike’s talk topic:
OpenType features are awesome! They add that little something that makes the difference and enable fonts to really shine.
Yet, these badass superpowers are often restrained due to missing support and unpleasant applicability.
In her talk Ulrike will share advanced tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the OpenType feature syntax and demonstrates what to bear in mind when it comes to the implementation within layout software.
Because the fonts Ulrike Rausch designs look handmade, many people picture her working with pen and paper all day. But no! The path from the first sketches to a fully functioning font is not a purely analog process, it’s rather a pretty geeky software endeavor.
In her talk, Ulrike shows how she designs typefaces and how she builds fonts. Ulrike will also demonstrate how nerdy OpenType programming adds just the right analog touch to her handwriting style. You will learn how to use pro fonts like a pro—no matter if you use layout software like Adobe InDesign or a standard word processor like Microsoft Word.